
20/03/2010 § 2 Comments

Ahh, major lack of posting lately, but are some more pictures from my Chinatown roll.

I really love the bakeries in Chinatown. Last time I was there I had a Coconut Bun and an Egg Tart [or “dan ta”.. one of the few things I can say in Cantonese.. I don’t even really know if that’s correct haha!] . This one bakery I was in had a bunch of delicious looking mini cakes.. I will have to try one next time.

I still have some more photos from Chinatown to post, and I’m going to be heading to Seattle next week so I will hopefully have some new photos to share soon-ish.

Grad school results are slowly coming in now. There are all these websites where people are posting results, so far I have stayed away to save my nerves, but I’m starting to get more and more curious. I’m wait-listed at UBC..which means more waiting, ugh. A big congrats + good luck to all the ENDSfriends!!

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